Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This is whimsical, with some good points thrown in there at the end.
I am less than happy with the way the media is treating Hillary. After several conversations with folks (my sister-in-law included), I have realized that she IS getting bashed, and a good 2/3 of it has to do with her gender. It makes her appear that much more attractive, really. And if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would note that maybe that's the grand plan after all: attack her so much that she gains popularity again, gets put up as the democratic candidate, and then the republicans take the election because people will actively vote against her. Now that would be some reverse psychology, Mr. Rove


Anonymous said...

Passed on to me by the daughter of a poll worker in Texas was the fact that Rush on the radio was encouraging Republicans to get out in Texas and vote for Hillary so that they could beat her in the general election. And this woman saw that for real at the polls. Not media bashing but something I don't like.

Anonymous said...

"Even with" her wrinkles and paunch, Hillary is great, in my book. BUT, there is something irresistible about Obama. It's his energy, yes, and his words. He just makes you want to rise above and get it all done.
At last, I have come to peace with my struggle over whom to support. I support Obama. To my middle aged, female friends, I say "Hillary all the way!".... OK. Maybe I havn't quite come to peace with my decision yet (sigh!) It's a tough one.